Hey there! I’m a passionate self-taught developer originally from Taiwan, now living in London and working as a software engineer. I mainly focus on backend development using Go, but occasionally dabble in frontend technologies like React to build complete products and improve cross-functional collaboration and communication, leading to more efficient and effective development processes. I’m also fascinated by devops, where it can automate a lot of things and make life a lot easier.

I’ve had the opportunity to work in a variety of industries, including blockchain, fintech, education, healthcare and retail, and have built everything from small business websites to custom web applications. I love tackling challenging problems and am constantly striving to become an even better hacker.


Tools & TechnologiesYears Experience


Solution Architect

Identified key areas of technical risk or complexity, proposed appropriate Proofs of Concepts (POCs).

Back End

Successfully facilitated the launch of Cool X Wallet in SBI BITS in Japan by building a hardware security module (HSM) infrastructure.

Full Stack

Provided the highest level of security for crypto assets utilizing JavaScript and Go. As a result, our wallets have sold over a hundred thousand worldwide.